The Power of Technology and Attorney Platforms.

As the practice of law evolves, solo and boutique firm attorneys have leveraged technology to stay ahead of the curve and compete in the changing landscape.

Here are some critical consideration points to improve your practice:

  • Adopt a time and billing software, preferably one that is coupled with a practice management and document storage component, such as Bill4Time, so as to efficiently schedule client tasks, timely prepare and collect on invoices, and reduce your “paper footprint” and overall overhead.
  • When committing to a technology provider, be certain to consider what back-up systems are in place in the event your computer crashes.  Cloud-based providers help mitigate the risk of losing all information; however, a separate online backup service is recommended.
  • Marketing and networking go hand-in-hand.  As attorneys, your business depends upon expert counsel; consequently, a keystone to your knowledge asset is the ability to collaborate on issues with other attorneys.  Platforms such as COUNSELUNITED allow attorneys to generate a circle of influence amongst similarly situated legal practitioners throughout the nation and share in a knowledge exchange, associate with other members on complex issues, and, ultimately, create efficiencies for clients.
  • When possible, outsource tasks outside of your skill level.  For instance, COUNSELUNITED allows its member attorneys to associate with one another, or connect with experts on call when a case demands such.

Solo and boutique firm attorneys wear many hats; lean on technology to create efficiencies within your practice and, ultimately, a more profitable business.

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