Solo-Counsel Lead Generation Made Easy with COUNSELUNITED

As a solo-practitioner, generating leads is a critical component of growing your legal practice. However, finding and attracting potential clients can be challenging, especially if you’re just starting. COUNSEL UNITED is a platform that can help solo-practitioners generate leads and grow their practice. Here are some of the key features and benefits of the platform.

Targeted Marketing

COUNSEL UNITED allows solo-practitioners to target their marketing efforts to potential clients who are searching for an attorney in their practice area. The platform has a directory of attorneys that potential clients can search through to find an attorney that meets their needs. By having a profile on COUNSEL UNITED, you increase your chances of being found by potential clients who are specifically searching for your services.

Networking Opportunities

COUNSEL UNITED provides networking opportunities for attorneys, including solo-practitioners. By connecting with other legal professionals, you can build relationships and potentially generate referrals. Referrals are a powerful way to generate leads because they come from a trusted source. The more relationships you establish on COUNSEL UNITED, the greater the chance of generating leads through referrals.

Marketing Tools

COUNSEL UNITED provides a variety of marketing tools to help solo-practitioners generate leads. For example, you can create blog posts and articles that showcase your expertise and knowledge in your practice area. You can also participate in webinars and other educational events to share your insights with potential clients. These marketing tools help position you as an expert in your field and can attract potential clients to your practice.

The Benefits of Co-Counsel for Solo Lawyers: Why Working Together is Better than Going It Alone

Attorneys Engaging In Co-Counsel

Solo lawyers face a unique set of challenges in their practice, from managing a heavy caseload to handling the business side of things. Despite these challenges, many lawyers prefer to work on their own, but the reality is that there are many benefits to working with a co-counsel. COUNSELUNITED allows solo lawyers to engage in co-counsel with other attorneys on our platform. In this article, we will explore the advantages of co-counseling for solo lawyers and how it can help them to grow their practice and achieve greater success.

  1. Increased Expertise and Diversity One of the biggest benefits of working with a co-counsel is the opportunity to tap into a wider pool of expertise and diversity. Lawyers who work alone may have a particular area of expertise, but there will always be areas where they need to seek assistance. Working with a co-counsel gives solo lawyers access to a wider range of knowledge and experience, which can help them to build stronger cases and achieve better outcomes for their clients.
  2. Improved Work-Life Balance Solo lawyers often struggle with finding the right work-life balance, as they are responsible for everything from client management to legal research. By partnering with a co-counsel, solo lawyers can reduce their workload and share the responsibilities of their practice. This allows them to focus on the areas where they excel and enjoy the most, while also having more time to spend with family and friends.
  3. Shared Cost and Resources Working with a co-counsel can also help solo lawyers to reduce the costs associated with running a practice. For example, co-counsel can share expenses such as office space, equipment, and support staff. This can be especially beneficial for solo lawyers who are just starting out or who are operating on a tight budget.
  4. Increased Networking Opportunities Co-counseling also provides solo lawyers with increased networking opportunities, as they have access to a wider pool of contacts and clients. This can be especially useful for solo lawyers who are looking to expand their practice or to take on more complex cases. Working with a co-counsel can also help to raise the profile of their practice, as clients and other lawyers are more likely to take notice when they are part of a successful legal team.
  5. Improved Legal Skills and Knowledge Finally, working with a co-counsel can help solo lawyers to improve their legal skills and knowledge. By collaborating with a knowledgeable colleague, solo lawyers can learn from their co-counsel’s experiences and approach to legal practice. This can help them to refine their own skills and become more effective advocates for their clients.

In conclusion, the benefits of co-counseling for solo lawyers are numerous and far-reaching. From increased expertise and diversity to improved work-life balance and increased networking opportunities, working with a co-counsel can help solo lawyers to achieve greater success and grow their practice. If you are a solo lawyer, consider reaching out to a potential co-counsel today and take the first step towards a more successful and fulfilling legal career.

Does Your Law Firm’s Website Work?

As your law firm migrates to a virtual environment, a critical issue to address is the functionality of your website. Akin to a cross between a road-sign and billboard, your firm’s website serves to direct clients and prospective clients to the resources you can provide, as well as advertise your services to the masses.

Registering as a member with COUNSELUNITED is but one arrow in your firm’s quiver in terms of finding an outlet to display your services. In addition, consider the following criteria to gauge how your firm’s site performs overall:

  1. Is your site mobile-friendly?  According to a Thomson Reuters survey of U.S. Consumer Legal Needs, over half of legal consumers utilize a mobile device to locate attorney services. If your firm’s site isn’t mobile friendly, chances are the consumer will not spend time navigating the site and will continue their search.
  2. How is the Image Quality?  We are in a digital age, with access to high resolution cameras and images literally at our fingertips. Capture your audience with quality visual design, which necessarily includes appealing image resolution. Your clients, and future clients, will thank you.
  3. User Experience and Simplicity.  Ensure your message is crisp, clear and convincing. Consumers tend to turn away from complicated sites – save the legal analysis for your work product or the content section of your website (e.g., blog posts, newsletters, whitepapers, etc.) and make certain the main section of your site is personal and engaging with clear direction as to what you do and how to make contact.
  4. Who is Your Audience?  Understand your audience (e.g., who you want as a client) and write to them, not the population at large.
  5. Track the Site’s Performance.  Maintaining a pulse on your site’s data helps you understand user behavior and what works (or, more importantly, what doesn’t) in terms of drawing attention to your site. If you have not considered site performance, take a spin with Google Analytics and focus on these metrics: site visits, unique visitors, page views and bounce rates (the percentage of visitors who leave your site after viewing a specific page).

Questions on registering your firm’s site with COUNSELUNITED to increase exposure?  Please contact us or become a COUNSELUNITED member by clicking here.

Teleworking Tips for Solos and Boutique Firms In the Face of COVID-19

Remote Working

For better or worse many firms and attorneys are facing disruption amid the novel coronavirus pandemic and being forced to work remote.

Consider the following tips while converting (or updating) your remote work set-up –

  1. Network Security and Horsepower – have you ensured that your home office offers a secured network and is able to support the increased use of the “home office?” Consider a review of your antivirus and malware software to make certain proper security is in place. Additionally, contact your data provider to upgrade your network.
  2. Triage Your Schedule and Prioritize – to maintain sanity while still putting forth good work product, create a triage list of looming deadlines, what needs to occur immediately and those items which may take a backseat due to Court closures or other interruptions. Transparency with your staff, partners, clients and opposing counsel is critical, and will lessen self-imposed stress while focusing your work.
  3. Communicate – clients now have a new host of issues, such as job loss, office closures, etc. Stay in front of your clients and communicate any changes in your schedule so they are still able to readily contact you. Also, consider providing increased flexibility in your schedule to accommodate the upheaval in your clients’ lives.

Coronavirus Pandemic and its Impact to Law Firms Worldwide

As reported in the American Lawyer, the novel coronavirus pandemic has forced a vast majority of law firms, including many of the BigLaw behemoths, to shutter doors and direct attorneys and staff to work remotely.1 Budgets are being considered, meetings rescheduled, and daily marketing efforts adjusted.2

Through these trying times, law firms are faced with the need to adapt and either embrace previously laid plans to maximize technology to remain connected, or forge new paths to the extent a firm wide shut-down was never anticipated.3

Firms that are predominately “virtual” and rely upon technology for connectivity amongst colleagues and clients may have little to no impact; however, structural obstacles for pure brick-and-mortar firms will force the issue of how they work now, and changes to consider in the rapidly evolving legal landscape.4

Resources to assist firms through these changes exist, including CLEs put forth by the American Bar Association tailored to implementing remote systems and virtual meetings.5 

Additionally, COUNSELUNITED remains a resource to those solo and boutique firm attorneys in need of a virtual platform to aid in connectivity amongst practitioners and otherwise enhance market presence.  

COUNSELUNITED will monitor the coronavirus situation and work to assimilate resources and information to help its members and future members. 

To the COUNSELUNITED community and beyond – stay healthy and safe, we will get through this.

Work/Life Balance Created Through Community and Technology

The practice of law is changing dramatically, with more attorneys electing to open solo or boutique firm practices in an effort to reduce overhead, offer tailored services to clients’ changing needs and overall become more efficient with how legal services are provided. One of the ancillary benefits (or key drivers) of this change is creation of a work/life balance amongst those in the legal profession, as more fully articulated in the following Thompson Reuters article:

How technology has changed one firm and made work-life balance a reality.

COUNSELUNITED is a collaborative community established to serve the solo and boutique firm attorney in the changing legal environment. Specifically, COUNSELUNITED affords member attorneys the ability to grow and leverage their practice through a trusted referral network; associate with, refer or co-counsel with attorneys in differing practice areas or jurisdictions; create an online market presence; and share in additional resources traditionally relegated to large firms.

Unbundled Legal Services and the Modern Attorney

As the population of attorneys has grown, so has the market for offering limited scope representation as a response to the increased needs of individuals and companies and their inability to either pay for a full scope of services or the desire to be efficient with internal legal budgets.

COUNSELUNITED recognizes that many of its members offer “unbundled” services; the following reflection addresses the trend of unbundling legal services:

  • A Contextual Glimpse at the Need for “Unbundled Legal Services”

What exactly does “unbundled legal services” pertain to?  Before providing an explicit definition, there must be some context to work with.  Consider this, “[a]n abstract legal right is worthless without a correlative right of access to the judicial system to enforce it.”[1]  To this end, “[o]ne of the basic principles, one of the glories, of the American system of justice is that the courthouse door is open to everyone – the humblest citizen, the indigent, the convicted felon, the illegal alien.”[2] 

However, an unfortunate situation exists in our legal system today thereby closing this proverbial door on those who cannot afford adequate legal representation.  Specifically, there exists a population of low-income individuals who do not “fall into the minuscule proportion of the population that qualifies for free legal assistance”[3] and are therefore “forced to bring their own complaints and represent themselves without the benefit of counsel.”[4] 

For example, the “increasing population of elderly persons in the United States has created a growing segment of the population that can neither pay for its own legal services nor qualify for free legal aid.”[5]  In a recent study of legal needs of low and moderate-income households, it was discovered that “low-income households’ legal problems involved the judicial system only twenty-nine percent of the time, and that no action of any kind was taken thirty-eight percent of the time.”[6]  Further still, in households “defined as moderate-income, and thus categorically ineligible for most free legal services, the judicial system was involved only thirty-nine percent of the time, and no action was taken in twenty-six percent of cases.”[7]  These raw figures substantiate the unfortunate reality that “low and moderate-income individuals and families have extremely limited opportunities to access the civil justice system.”[8]

“Although our legal system attempts to provide free legal services . . . through the Legal Services Corporation, it turns away thousands of potential clients annually.”[9]  “Dramatic cutbacks in the Legal Services Corporation budget have further compounded this problem.”[10]  It is against this backdrop in which “unbundled legal services” is analyzed.”

  • A Call to Action: Defining “Unbundled Legal Services” and Relevant Boundaries

Under Rule 1.2(c) of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, “[a] lawyer may limit the scope of the representation if the limitation is reasonable under the circumstances and the client gives informed consent.”[11]  This latest version of Model Rule 1.2(c) explicitly provides only the client can limit the objectives of representation so long as such representations are “reasonable under the circumstances.”[12] 

Accordingly, unbundled legal services pertains to “the process of breaking down legal problems or issues into their components, enabling clients to choose selected aspects of the problem for a lawyer’s representation, assistance, or advice.”[13]  “[R]ather than representing a client in connection with an entire legal matter, the lawyer is engaged to perform a specific task, or represent the client in  connection with a specific aspect of the matter.”[14]  Examples of unbundled legal services include: legal hotlines, websites, and pro se clinics.[15] 

While the underlying rationale of offering unbundled legal services is an undoubtedly honest attempt to aid society, a question exists as to “whether the lawyer’s limited scope of responsibility would amount to a violation of the lawyer’s ethical or legal obligations.”[16]  Additional lawyer-centered concerns “include the absence of an ongoing attorney-client relationship; lack of knowledge of the ultimate result for the client . . . ; a ‘superficial’ work product; fear of . . . malpractice, and of being called into court when the judge learns that a lawyer drafted the pro se litigant’s complaint . . . .”[17] 

To highlight the potential for malpractice, think about the following hypothetical: “a volunteer attorney staffing a general legal hotline can competently answer a simple question about a traffic ticket.”[18]  “On the other hand, an attorney who has agreed to provide more substantial limited assistance, such as ghostwriting a pleading, would be required to engage in substantially greater investigation of her client’s legal circumstances as a whole to properly determine what further assistance may be required”[19]  Now, pretend the client in the second scenario simply asks for a ghostwritten pleading in response to a bank foreclosing on his house.  How can the lawyer put blinders on and provide this pro se litigant such miniscule representation without more information about the case in general?  In this more involved situation, the attorney faces a greater risk of failing to diligently represent his or her client.  In particular, Model Rule 1.3 states that “[a] lawyer shall act with reasonable diligence and promptness in representing a client.”[20]  However, by failing to file a complaint on time, or perhaps by failing to inform a client about progress on the case, a lawyer can be disciplined for one single incident.[21]  Without the established attorney client relationship, or a specific agreement, the boundary line is fuzzy as to when representation begins or ends.[22]

Because of these ethical and legal concerns, a divide exists as to the extent courts will allow unbundled legal services (if at all).  At the outset, several federal court opinions have condemned the idea of “ghostwriting” a brief for pro se clients under the basic purpose of Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.[23]  Nonetheless, analysis of case law “provides two insights on the question of whether lawyers and clients should be able to bargain for less than full performance.”[24]  “First, lawyers do accept cases with the understanding that they will not engage in the fullest representation possible.  Second, courts generally consider this practice legitimate.”[25]  For instance, some jurisdictions may “analyze lawyer malfeasance under a contract theory” in that the courts “support the proposition that knowing and voluntary agreements limiting attorney performance are valid.”[26]  In a jurisdiction that analyzes the lawyer’s malfeasance under a tort or fiduciary theory, the court will consider whether or not the “lawyer who limits her performance by agreement more than would a reasonably prudent lawyer cannot insulate herself from malpractice liability.”[27]  Taken as a whole, it is apparent that “courts are willing to approve advance agreements that define how a particular lawyer will perform.”[28]  Thus, the logical inquiry turns to what measures can be taken to ensure diligent, ethical representation while providing unbundled legal services.

  • Addressing the Concerns: Are Unbundled Legal Services Feasible?

“Many who promote unbundled legal services believe that these services will provide

increased access to the legal system for low and moderate income people.”[29]  Notably, unbundled legal services, “although currently promoted by the ABA and others as a reliable mechanism for stretching scarce resources, raises a host of ethical issues affecting its viability.”[30]  Specifically, “one must examine whether or not the practice violates the traditional conceptions” of competent, diligent representation.[31]  For example, consider the above hypothetical of an attorney who drafts pleadings on behalf of a pro se client.  Does that attorney “have any ethical obligation to assist the client if he is subsequently unable to proceed pro se?”[32]  Specifically, “[w]hat ought the lawyer do when the client requests additional assistance but is unable to pay for it?”[33]

            The lawyer’s “duty of diligence obviously applies only for the duration of the client-attorney relationship.”[34]  Therefore, it is imperative for purposes of “unbundling” legal services, the attorney clarifies the status of his or her relationship with the client.  If the client still wishes to pursue an unbundled option, the lawyer should highlight the extent of his services, make sure the client sufficiently understands the consequences of proceeding pro se, and the lawyer must “engage in sufficient factual investigation to identify relevant legal issues” to avoid any ethical breaches for lack of competency or diligence.[35]  With proper prior planning and well set boundaries, unbundled legal services are feasible alternatives for those in need.

[1] John C. Rothermich, Ethical and Procedural Implications of “Ghostwriting” for Pro Se Litigants: Toward Increased Access to Civil Justice, 67 Fordham L. Rev. 2687, 2687-88 (1999) (discussing the concept behind unbundled legal services and its overall importance).

[2] Id. (quoting NAACP v. Meese, 615 F. Supp. 200, 205-06 (D.D.C. 1985).

[3] Id. at 2688

[4] Id.

[5] Mary Helen McNeal, Redefining Attorney-Client Roles: Unbundling and Moderate-Income Elderly Clients, 32 Wake Forest L. Rev. 295, 295 (1997) (addressing the emerging needs of “unbundled legal services” for the elderly).

[6] Rothermich, supra at 2688 (emphasis added).

[7] Id. (emphasis added).

[8] Id.

[9] McNeal, supra at 297.

[10] Id.

[11] Model Rules of Prof’l Conduct Rule 1.2(c) (2007).

[12] Id. cmt. (noting that the new version of Rule 1.2(c) effectively swapped the term “objectives” with “scope”  thereby placing the ability to limit “objectives” of representation in the hands of the client).

[13] McNeal, supra at 296 (citation omitted).

[14] Model Rules of Prof’l Conduct Rule 1.2 cmt. (2007).

[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] McNeal, supra at 301.

[18] Rothermich, supra at 2694.

[19] Id.

[20] Model Rules of Prof’l Conduct 1.3 (2007).

[21] Id.

[22] McNeal, supra at 318.

[23] Rothermich, supra at 2716 (noting the basic purpose of Rule of the FRCP “is to deter the filing of pleadings and motions in court that are not adequately grounded in fact or law.”  To serve these ends, Rule 11 requires any pleading or motion submitted to a court be based upon the filing party’s belief, formed after a reasonable inquiry.).

[24] Fred C. Zacharias, Limited Performance Agreements: Should Clients Get What They Pay For?, 11 Geo. J. Legal Ethics 915, 918 (1998).

[25] Id.

[26] Id.

[27] Id. at 919.

[28] Id. at 921.

[29] McNeal, supra at 330.

[30] Id. at 311.

[31] Id.

[32] Id.

[33] Id.

[34] Id. at 318.

[35] Id. at 336.